Thursday, April 23, 2015

How much space do I need for my party?

So most everyone has been there, you want to have a party but aren't sure how many people will be able to fit comfortably in the area you have. 

First let’s look at what type of party are you planning?  Is it a cocktail party or are you planning on having a full seated meal?  Are you planning for a wedding reception or graduation open house?  Will there be dancing?

We would love to share some tips that may help you. 

Generally speaking if you are planning a cocktail party with everyone standing and mingling we would recommend 5 to 6 square feet per person invited; if you are looking at doing a cocktail party where you plan on having some seating and some standing you would want to plan on about 8 square feet per person.

Dinner parties or wedding receptions where you are planning on using oblong tables we would recommend 8 square feet per person, however if you are planning on using round tables that would seat between 6 to 8 people it is recommended to figure 10 to 12 square feet per person.

Cathedral seating (being seated in rows) would require about 6 square feet per person.

Dance floors we suggest between 2 and 4 square feet per person.

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